Discriminative Sample Generation for Deep Imbalanced Learning

Ting Guo, Xingquan Zhu, Yang Wang, Fang Chen

International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence

In this paper, we propose a discriminative variational autoencoder (DVAE) to assist deep learning from data with imbalanced class distributions. DVAE is designed to alleviate the class imbalance by explicitly learning class boundaries between training samples, and uses learned class boundaries to guide the feature learning and sample generation. To learn class boundaries, DVAE learns a latent two-component mixture distributor, conditioned by the class labels, so the latent features can help differentiate minority class vs. majority class samples. In order to balance the training data for deep learning to emphasize on the minority class, we combine DVAE and generative adversarial networks (GAN) to form a unified model, DVAAN, which generates synthetic instances close to the class boundaries as training data to learn latent features and update the model. Experiments and comparisons confirm that DVAAN significantly alleviates the class imbalance and delivers accurate models for deep learning from imbalanced data.

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